
Mount Barker Hire is your local Elgas Agent. We supply 45kg Residential bottles, 15kg Forklift Bottles and 8.5kg BBQ Bottles. Pick up of Elgas Bottle is between our office hours: Monday, Wednesday to Friday from 9.00am until 2.00pm. If prior arrangements are made, we can meet you at a more suitable time.

We deliver to the following areas (a kilometre radius does apply):

  • Tuesday: Porongurup, Woogenellup, Narrikup, Denbarker, Perillup, Forest Hill, Mount Barker

  • Friday: Cranbrook, Tenterden, Kendenup, Mount Barker

Please aim to have order in by 4pm the day before delivery.

8.5kg gas bottles will only be delivered with a delivery of a 45kg bottle or forklift bottle.


45kg Residential Bottles
Variable: $154 or Fixed (2 years): $162.80
Pick up & Delivery

15kgs Forklift Bottles:

8.5kg Swap & Go Bottles:
$35.00 or $85.00 for first bottle

For enquiries, call Shanon or Ella on 9851 1333 or Elgas 131 161.
Alternatively visit www.elgas.com.au

Commercial enquires can be made through Mount Barker Hire & Gas and details will be passed onto the respective Elgas representative.